Thursday, 24 July 2014

Why Did I Buy That Hairdryer?!

Why is the thought of a weekly blow-dry so much better than the final result?  I’m always so jealous of those people who have the time and money to have weekly blow-dries, and leave with Kate Middleton hair.  I on the other hand, always leave the hairdresser desperately want to re-do my hair as it just looks that little bit too far. However this still doesn’t stop me from always hoping a professional blow-dry will actually leave me looking like K-Midd/ Cheryl Fernandez-Versini (neé Cole)/Blake Lively.

So when I saw a tweet from SkintLondon (follow them here) last week offering free blow dries from GHD using the new GHD Aura, I thought why not?!  GHD’s make the best straighteners, so maybe their new hairdryer will actually allow my hair to do a little more than just hang limply.  I think what I really liked most was the fact that GHD were spending all day offering free blow dries to the general public. I wasn’t going to have to wait and hear all about it on a biased blog with some stunning blogger wearing free clothes, with her great hair, photographed in a great location looking perfect. I was getting to go.

I realise I am writing a blog…but I’m not a blogger.  These rambling don’t lend themselves to people sending me free stuff. I don’t photograph well. And as much as I love fashion and beauty and food, I don’t buy all the right things that are conducive to a popular blog.  I read an interesting article about fashion blogging here which kind of sums all that up. I lasted 2 weeks “working” in the fashion world (O Wonderland…it was not a pleasure) but have friends starting careers in fashion now and I feel for them.  This blog is obviously here to help me further my career in TV commentating, after my starring role in Rip Off Britain.

Anyways…I digress.

So managed to secure a post-work slot at the GHD headquarters in Soho.  This then made me want to go out after to show off my lovely blow dry. Date night was swiftly arranged for afterwards in Soho. Dream day really. Hopefully.

 I arrived, couldn’t get in the building and had to wait for a random person to leave the office to let me in. Not ideal. I then waited about, listening to someone else moan their appointment was meant to be at 6pm. It was now 6.55pm.  I worried slightly, but thankfully was  seen before her (I think she left without her blow dry…no idea what happened).  I met my lovely hairdresser who asked what I would like done. I stated very clearly that I would like a bit of volume and just some movement, as my hair always just hangs. She seemed to grasp this. As she was washed my hair, there was the usual commentary on how much hair I had and how thick it was. I warned her it takes ages to dry as it hold water but can’t hold a curl. This resulted in numerous varieties of blow dry sprays and mousse being used. Blow drying started, lots of curling was happening. The curls were then being pinned. And hour later the bottom section of my head was almost bone dry, but was yet to be blasted curled and pinned. People left, all with wonderful slightly volumized, K-Midd esque hair. I was the last one standing 1 hour and 30 minutes later.

The curls were unpinned, and on came that face you do when the hairdresser looks super pleased with themselves and you hate it. It was massive, truly massive. She then layered on the hairspray. I coughed. I thanked her, grateful I didn’t have to pay, then left. Not once did she try and sell me the hairdryer. No sales pitch. I didn’t get to hold the hairdryer and see how wonderfully light it is. Nothing. Just my new bouffant. I hated it. I definitely didn’t take any pictures. Then thankfully, an hour standing in the London heat outside my favourite little French bar, it was almost straight. Flat to my head. Back to normal.

I’m not buying the new GHD Aura hairdryer. I’m not paying for a blow dry either.

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