Friday, 24 May 2013

Why Did I Buy That T-Shirt?!

I am forever on the hunt for a good quality white tee.  Fashion magazines and blogs are always telling us that the perfect white tee is a wardrobe staple, but always suggest something that is £40+.  I refuse to pay that kind of money on something that could be ruined by an over enthusiastic mouthful of pasta.

I tried the Primark basic tees...and while at £3 I wasn't expecting to find the perfect tee but I was hoping for more than one wear before the seams twisted, and something with a little nicer cotton and little less stretch.  Other high street shops seem to struggle with a perfect white t-shirt, adding too many pockets or weird sleeves (yes Topshop I mean you).  But I refuse to spend silly money on something like a plain white tee.

Growing up Gap was always a port of call when out shopping with my mum. And now that I no longer fit into Gap Kids I still love it.  The jeans are amazing quality and they manage to make basics look a little more trend led.  They also always have amazing sales..which resulted in me finding my first ever perfect white tee.  It was super soft cotton, v-neck and loose fitting..and cost about £6. I wore that t-shirt to death. It started my obsession with rummaging through Gap sale rails for more perfect tees.

My most recent Gap white tee was the result of a bad day at work.  And the best way to resolve a bad day is some lunchtime shopping. I remembered there was a Gap at Moorgate after a frenzied and unsuccessful trip around New Look, and was obviously ecstatic when I saw the big massive sale sign outside. 5 minutes later I had bought some "sexy boyfriend jeans" and a new white tee. All for £21. Yes the tee was a little on the big side as there was only larges left...and I had to swap the jeans for the size down the next day (ego boosting trip much?) but I had found my new perfect white tee.

Now if only I wore less black and more light colours so it made its way into the washing machine a little more often.

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