Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Why did I buy that cinema ticket?

I love films. Like really love them. And I love going to the cinema. "Waiting for the DVD" should only be reserved for those shocking comedies Hollywoods churns out with Paul Rudd and other middle age overweight men. Or most Brit horrors (Torrmented anyone?). Going to the cinema is a must for big budget action films and cult classics. And yes I do mean the Twilight Saga.

So last night one of my few friends who apparently also loves the cinema, or was simply that bored, asked if I wanted to go. I obviously said yes.....but what to see? After getting rid of the festive tripe, it boiled down to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo or Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Instead of choosing hotly anticipated cult film, I begged for Mission Impossible. All because of the trailer...and a certain Jonathon Ross interview with Tom Cruise. I love trailers! And this one was full of explosions, the strangely attractive guy from The Hurt Locker, and Simon Pegg.

So film chosen, we headed to the cinema. Now do I sound old when I say remember when the cinema cost a fiver to get in? It's now £8 for an adult! And as it was an IMAX screening it shot up to £12.50! We didn't even know what an IMAX screening was. We just hoped it didn't involve 3D glasses. Does anyone actually like 3D films? No. Good. Stop making these overpriced pointless films then.

As we sat down in front of what one cinema goer described as a wall not a screen, the annoyance of paying so much for a cinema ticket was heightened thanks to them playing the Mary Poppins soundtrack before the trailers. I soon relaxed though as the entire row in front of me jumped out of their seats as it started. We were now going to be deafened and most likely blinded.

As much as I love writing essays on films, I'll save you that joy. But the film was AMAZING. And to be honest the IMAX experience made it even better! Worth the £12.50 for a huge action film....or Frozen Planet. There is an idea!

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