Friday, 9 December 2011

Why did I buy a sledge?!

OK so I have already broken first rule of the blog...I didn't actually purchase the sledge. But this was for very good reason!!

As I was walking out the the tube station I noticed a very interesting advert for Decathlon (tube advertising is not does still attract consumers attention!).  It was advertising a sledge. In central London.

Yes it has already snowed back home in Scotland, and I have been told on numerous occasions that London does get snow (suuuuuure) but I highly doubt that there is EVER enough snow to sledge in London. EVER. And if by any miraculous turn of events that enough snow does fall in London and it's cold enough to lie without the entire population of Scotland trampling all over it, where do you actually go??  I have yet to see a decent hill in London let alone a large grassy one.  So while in Scotland people have actual snow days where there are physical snowdrifts against your front door and getting to work is impossible, selling sledges in London appears to be as useful as selling flip flops in Antarctica. 

Here is a picture from a BBC article entitled "Heavy snow severe weather warning issued for London"...
And a picture from Scotland, which doesn't even begin to show the time I was snowed in for 3 days. Or had a 6 foot high snowdrift in my street that we built a tunnel through...

So lets be honest. Sledges are not required in London. Do not advertise one needs to buy one!

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