Thursday, 1 November 2012

Why did I buy that lip balm?!

Everyone loves Vaseline don’t they? I can’t say I use it for all those other things it supposedly does (have you heard it makes your eyelashes longer?!) but it is a fail-safe lip balm. And I love lip balm.  It is my ultimate impulse buy and I always buy more when I don’t need them.

I have noticed a number of shops recently stocking the big Vaseline tins containing 3 regular size Vaseline pots, and I think they have two different varieties depending on which pots are inside.  I thought this was genius…and obviously wanted to purchase. Immediately.  But the price put me off.  Over the past year I have been living well below the poverty line and favoured pound shops over luxury shops like Tesco and Boots.   And I was adamant that pots of Vaseline were only a pound.  So I was not forking out a fiver for 3 pots, even if they were of the flavoured and exciting variety.

But whilst doing my weekly food shop in Tesco (I now do weekly food shops….for proper food), I saw this amazing giant Vaseline tin on offer for a mere £3. Therefore at £1 a pot and not ridiculously overpriced, it has to be purchased.  Original, Aloe Vera and Rosy Lips were now in my possession and subject to weekly rotation.

Goodbye old, not-really-cola-flavoured lip balm from Primark. 

Friday, 28 September 2012

Why did I buy that mascara and eyeliner?

Today was the first payday of my first "real" job.  I have only worked 8 days of this month so it wasn't my full wage but it felt like enough to burn a hole in my pocket.  Even though I have created a spreadsheet for this month's budget (I work with seemed sensible/normal) and have earmarked almost all of my pay for bills and travel, I had to spend a little on my first payday lunch break.

I decided to treat myself to some much needed makeup.  I often overlook buying new makeup as I prefer to spend my dosh on other things but I was in desperate need for a new mascara.  So I toddled off to Boots (having all ready sourced the offers the previous day).  As someone who rarely buys new makeup, except nail varnish which I would buy as often as food if the budget allowed, I will only splash out if there is an offer on. In fact I'm not particularly brand loyal.  Foundation decisions are based upon who is offering 3 for 2 that week, as the perfect foundation is yet to be located.

However today's purchase was actual initially influenced by a blog post.  One of the few blogs I subscribe to is The Sunday Girl's beauty blog and love scrolling through the new post every morning that come via email.  She recently blogged about Maybelline's new Smokey Eye range and I was intrigued to try it and see if it eye makeup does not ever stay on my face!  You can read her post here.

So when I discovered that this mascara and eyeliner were both available for £10, I purchased them. The mascara is priced at £7.99, standard mascara price and cheaper than the MAC PlushLash I had been considering, with the eyeliner priced at £5.99.  I have to say £5.99 for an eyeliner is RIDICULOUS. I lost most within a week and will only buy Primark's £1 eyeliner as I don't see the point wasting money on a product that will get lost/broken/stolen.  But as a sucker for a makeup offer I bought them both...saving £3.98 YAY!

We can only hope they are worth the money when I test them tonight. First work drinks.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Why did I buy that pretzel?!

I am one of those people who will crave a Burger King the minute I see an advert, and I will not stop craving a delicious Chicken Royale until I get one.  In my recent times of poverty, this has proven to be an issue.  When craving a Chicken Royale during my recent "pissertation hell" I trotted along to my local next to the university to find that the remaining £4 in my purse would not purchase me a meal. I could afford the sandwich alone, but without money for a diet Coke, that would not make for a fun lunch.  I therefore continued my cravings until the next day, when some pocket money came in (receiving pocket money age 22 is cool yeah?) and I could finally afford to satisfy my Burger King lust. IT WAS GOOD.

So if an advert has this effect, imagine what happens with a free sample.  Free samples of cinnamon pretzels make me crave a big, massive pretzel.  In fact, in knowing that Westfield always dish out pretzel samples, I am now like Pavlov's dogs, salivating at the very idea of heading to Westfield.  On a recent trip to the west side Westfield, I had actually forgotten about pretzels.  I am usually shopping window shopping at east side Westfield and didn't quite make the connection that west side probably sold pretzels too.  After a massive late lunch I was stuffed.  Truly stuffed.  As I stormed about trying to find the impossible item with the world's biggest shopping hater, Ms Pretzel put the tray in my face.  I had to take a piece...they smelt sooooo good. And that was it. I was now craving a cinnamon pretzel.

I tried to carry on shopping, and when I almost started crying because I couldn't wear the teeny hotpants my best mate could, it seemed silly to buy one after the huge late lunch.  But my cravings got the better of me, as always, and I searched again (Westfield's are huge and maze-like) for Ms Pretzel to buy myself a whole, giant pretzel.

And it was worth it. Every single bite. If only free samples of granola bars had the same effect on me.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Why did I buy that Sudocrem?!

There is something going around at the minute called "The TOWIE Effect". And one of the many things I learnt at my PR internship is that it is used a lot, and appears to work. Most branded surveys will be doing well to get one or two national print 'NIBs'. You know the ones..."75% of women wear the wrong bra according to a survey by Debenhams". And a story about increased sales in products rarely gets a mention, unless it is obscure or due to some strange effect. This is where Superdrug hit gold. They reported on a huge surge in the sale of Sudocrem after the TOWIE girls were slapping it on during an episode. And it hit so many national newspapers, and even got coverage a few days later.

It becomes apparent that anything the TOWIE lot are doing, we want to do too. They are normal people (I use this term loosely), and appear to be using normal products that haven't been shameless plugged by PRs. This is where I find coverage doesn't equate to increasing consumer buying behaviour. We all want something with a little more integrity, no? Although my friend had used Sudocrem for years and raved about its wonders, it wasn't until The TOWIE Effect happened that I thought I must purchase this product. Everyone mass using a product must mean it's good!

However I didn't go out on a specific shopping trip to buy this product. I was out buying a rug with my flatmate (I'm very domesticated now) when I spied a Savers. I rushed over to hunt for St Moritz fake tan, that I have struggled to locate since moving to London. Obviously London once again disappointed me, and so I felt a need to purchase something else, as I can never leave these stores without purchasing some kind of discounted beauty product. And there I saw it. Sudocrem. All that brand recall hit me straight in the face, and as I explained to my flatmate that the whole nation was using it, I picked it up and bought it without a second thought.

So last night I slapped it on (after reading some online reviews of just how much to slap on and what it is actually going to do...). And I love it.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Why did I buy that cinema ticket?

I love films. Like really love them. And I love going to the cinema. "Waiting for the DVD" should only be reserved for those shocking comedies Hollywoods churns out with Paul Rudd and other middle age overweight men. Or most Brit horrors (Torrmented anyone?). Going to the cinema is a must for big budget action films and cult classics. And yes I do mean the Twilight Saga.

So last night one of my few friends who apparently also loves the cinema, or was simply that bored, asked if I wanted to go. I obviously said yes.....but what to see? After getting rid of the festive tripe, it boiled down to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo or Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Instead of choosing hotly anticipated cult film, I begged for Mission Impossible. All because of the trailer...and a certain Jonathon Ross interview with Tom Cruise. I love trailers! And this one was full of explosions, the strangely attractive guy from The Hurt Locker, and Simon Pegg.

So film chosen, we headed to the cinema. Now do I sound old when I say remember when the cinema cost a fiver to get in? It's now £8 for an adult! And as it was an IMAX screening it shot up to £12.50! We didn't even know what an IMAX screening was. We just hoped it didn't involve 3D glasses. Does anyone actually like 3D films? No. Good. Stop making these overpriced pointless films then.

As we sat down in front of what one cinema goer described as a wall not a screen, the annoyance of paying so much for a cinema ticket was heightened thanks to them playing the Mary Poppins soundtrack before the trailers. I soon relaxed though as the entire row in front of me jumped out of their seats as it started. We were now going to be deafened and most likely blinded.

As much as I love writing essays on films, I'll save you that joy. But the film was AMAZING. And to be honest the IMAX experience made it even better! Worth the £12.50 for a huge action film....or Frozen Planet. There is an idea!